Sunday 27 September 2015

The day finally came in honour I'm counting down my top 8 episodes of CSI

With less than a week to the FINAL CSI, I’m counting down with my favourite 8 episodes of CSI.

#8) My eighth favourite episode is 11.5 "Targets of Obsession". In this episode the Biebs (Justin Bieber) returns for the second time in season 11. Why is it number 8? Because Justin now has a person vendetta after his last appearance with Nick Stokes and tries to kill him many times with in the episode. The rivalry between the two of them is hilarious. Most importantly it is hard to imagine someone that looks like Justin (so cute and the Bieber haircut) being that bad. And he did great job acting. Oh and at the end he gets shot. My mom and I were sad and my brother was happy.

Fav quote: Justin: "Ill surrender but only to Stokes." 

#7) My seventh favourite episode is Season 13's "Forget Me Not". It's Sara's birthday and she is celebrating alone. So she finds comfort in a guy she previously hooked up with. Then she wakes up in her own hotel room to find out he's dead. She then tells her co -CSIs about the incident and some to go to judge her about her infidelity with Grissom, her husband. It then comes to light that someone went to great lengths in order to frame Sara. In the end, the man framing her breaks into her house, tries to get her charged with assault and goes to visit her mother in the hospital. Sara then breaks into his house and tries to shoot him as he was involved in a previous case where he killed someone but it was self-deference and he is trying to do the same with Sara. Little does he know it's a trap and he is arrested. Why number 7: the suspense! And the end of GSR  (Grissom Sara romance) as we learn that Grissom broke up with Sara and that's why she was seeing someone else. Their relationship was built up for 7 seasons and they were married for only 3.... the end of an era...

Fav quote: Sara: "Grissom and I are not married anymore. I'm sure he had my best interest in mind."

#6) The sixth pic: The Pilot. Why? It's the pilot, where it all started. Back when the CSI's paged each other (I had to ask my mom what the point of the pager the CSI's text each other). And when Grissom handed out assignments for crime scenes, now they just show up to the scene. The episode kicks off with the introduction of Holly Gribbs, who is new to the team. She goes to her first crime scene with Catherine, a robbery at a convenience store. While Nick and Warrick are battling to be promoted and the introduction of Warrick's gambling addiction (he stayed shady throughout the series, I’m glad he got killed off). Warrick's addiction led to the murder of Gribbs as she goes back to a crime scene and gets shot, as Warrick was supposed to go with her. Fun fact: Gribbs was actually killed off because when a test audience as a test viewed the said they disliked her. She wouldn't have lasted anyway as when she saw corpses she barfed. We are introduced to the first serial killer of the series who makes man record an audio suicide and then kills them. He then steals Grissom's fingerprintsI love the old episodes when the show was all about science, proving the crime through the evidence as if they were there when the crime happened. They did multiple experiments that were the show's focus. Today, the show has shifted and is more trace focused and victim-killer focused, and the CSI's don't do as many experiments. They were so simple and straightforward. The newer ones I find are more complicated even for a seasoned CSI watcher like myself. The channel ABC actually turned down the series because they didn't think that Americans would understand a show that was so science based. However, CSI then became the most watched for over a decade in the world. CSIs also spent a lot of time in the break room together in the early seasons, they seemed more like a team and had a personal relationship, compared to now that has faded. Also Catherine's hair is hilariously it looks like a mushroom but curly and red. 

Fav quote: Catherine: “We restore peace of mind. And when you're a victim, that's everything. Stick with it. At least until you solve your first, and if after that, you don't feel like King Kong on cocaine, then you can quit. But if you stay with it, my hand to God, you will never regret it."

#5) Number five features Taylor Swift in season 9's "Turn, Turn, Turn", it was the first episode of CSI I ever watched because I figured Taylor Swift would be murdered off (I didn't like Taylor Swift, obvi) and she was. The episode took place over a year, it all starts with Nick looking over Taylor's body and then the episode takes place over a year with Nick visiting the motel where her character lives for multiple times over that year. Over that year Taylor's character changes her appearance multiple times. With Taylor's character eventually dying at the end. Why #5? Because it was my first CSI episode and it taking place over a year is really cool and seeing TSwift dead was great too. LOL

Fav quote: Haley: “But I told her forensics is just science, you know? It's what you go to school for and. But you don't look like my chem teacher.”
Nick: Thanks, I think.

#4) My fourth fav is the last episode of csi ever, the season finale of season 15. The Gate Harbour Killer (Season 15's serial killer) and he kidnap Julie Finlay (the character I despise the most).  Finlay is left alone in her apartment and is almost killed, leaving her in a vegetative state. (We figure she is dead because she is not returning for the CSI movie). It is Number 4 because this is the final episode of Nick and the last single episode in the series. Nick Stokes in recent seasons has become the face of the franchise, in my opinion, since the departure of Gil Grissom (William Petersen) in Season 9. When I think of the CSI, Nick Stokes is the first thing that comes to my mind. With his charming southern accent in addition to being chivalrous, handsome and a true gentleman, Nick was a true fan favourite especially with the ladies. (I think that every lady that watches CSI has at one point had a crush on him.) Nick Stokes represents the emotional heart of the series. Nick also has a natural empathy when dealing with the crimes he investigates; a quality that is truly his own. Despite being the true all-American man Nick Stokes would get emotional under pressure contrasting the male stereotype of not showing emotion. Nick was also very low-maintenance with little drama in his life and little need for attention. Nick was the most reliable worker within the crew especially in the most recent series and was always driven to solve his cases.With all of his qualities Nick Stokes has become the most loved character in the series and will be greatly missed.

Fav Quote: Sara: “you know what Grissom would say, ‘you got to
Go where you can do the best good’.”

#3) My third favourite episode is season one’s second episode “Cool Change”, the introduction of Sara Sidle. As Grissom says while the team is in the break room that he is calling his friend, “Sara Sidle” to which Catherine replies, “Who is Sara Sidle?” Grissom then says, “she is a CSI from San Francisco” aka the final piece of the CSI cast. Well, Sara Sidle was originally written in to be a love interest for Grissom. She comes to town to stand in for Holly Gribbs (see #6) and she was brought in to look into Warrick’s whereabouts. Sara goes on to eventually replaces her (she is not hated by the test viewers). Sara in the future becomes a vital member to the team over the 13ish seasons, she was apart of the main cast. In her first scene she shows up to a crime scene where Grissom is investigating a jumper. She enters the crime scene and after a smart remark about the victim Grissom says, “I don’t even have to turn around, Sara Sidle.” To which she drops her bag and crosses her arms and says, “It’s me!”. Sara is very involved in the investigation into Gribb’s death. She seems to fit right in with the team as she takes charges and completes her report on Warrick and helps with the Gribbs investigation. She does all this while wearing a not-tacky-at-all brown flare pants, a pink tank top and a tight green sweater. One of my favourite parts of the episode is when a pager goes off and everyone checks theirs. This is so funny. The final scene features the whole cast standing in the parking lot starring at the killer of Gribbs who they caught in the episode as he is taken away in a police crewser. Why 3? Sara Sidle is introduced in a dramatic way.

“I don't even have to turn around. Sara Sidle.”
It's me.”

#2) My second favourite episodes is season 7's “Living doll”. The episode is where we find out about who the miniature killer, Natalie is (the serial killer of season 7 who builds miniatures of crime scenes before the crime is committed). Natalie is scared of bleach and kind of looks like me, which is creepy. Ne ways, so she kidnaps Sara Sidle because Grissom loves Sara and Natalie's only love, her foster father killed himself and he blames Grissom. So as per usual the CSI team is a step behind and she kidnaps Sara after Sara comes back to her car from going to a veggie restaurant with her crime scene kit (weird I know). Also in this episode one of my favourite characters, Sophia Curtis makes an appearance she is badass and should have stayed longer. Sara is then abducted by the miniature killer and placed under a red mustang, like the miniature that she sent to Grissom the night before it has a motor that makes her hand move and grip dirt and release it. The mustang was apart of a previous crime scene that both Sara and Grissom worked, where they showed affection and that is how the miniature killer got figured out that Sara and Grissom were in a relationship together. The episode ends with Nick and Warrick arresting the killer at her home and taking her in for questioning when she goes into a psychotic break. The final scene features Sara under a red mustang with just her hand being seen gripping dirt (just like the miniature).

Fav quote: Grissom “[the miniature killer] is taking away the only person I ever loved.” (Revealing that he loves Sara to the team.)

This episode is a continues on from living doll, however there are flashbacks (a CSI trademark) of how the miniature killer kidnapped Sara and took her out to the desert. Sara had been transported there in the trunk of the Miniature killer’s car. However, Sara is able to break out of the trunk by opening the door that connects the trunk to the back passenger seat, however she is then drugged by Natalie and put in the back seat. This is so the miniature crime scene can be completed. In the present the miniature killer still is not talking. So it is up the CSI’s to figure out where Sara is. It is Nick who discovers a phone number in the miniature killer’s room for an impound lot for badly damaged cars—which is the breakthrough clue. This is after he starts crying after having a flashback to him and Sara having a discussion about when he was buried alive in season 5 and how she said, “it wasn’t your day to die, when it is your day, it is your day.” After a really bad rainstorm in the desert Sara almost drowns from the landslides of water. Sara does eventually escape the car and starts walking around the dessert as she leaves rocks for the search team to find her. She uses her shirt as a head tie and a sling for her broken arm (her shirt was ugly so it is okay that it was sacrificed) and takes a mirror from the car for protection.  She walks in over 110F heat and it found by Nick after the car lot guy tells the CSIs where the car was dropped off. And just to creep you out while the CSIs are searching for Sara they find a body that is not Sara’s. Sara is recused and taken to a hospital via a helicopter. Why is it at number one? There is never a dull moment in this episode and it is the final episode that features the miniature killer in action. Also I love the episodes where the whole team gets together to solve a case instead of being split up.

Fav Quote: “Sara: Yes, he was. That's true, Natalie. I lost my father too. I know that Ernie loved you. He would not have wanted you to do this.”
Natalie: “[whispering] Ernie loved me more than Grissom could ever love you.”


Monday 14 September 2015


In 2012, I read the novel Brooklyn by Colm Toibin and I never thought that it would become one of my absolute favourite book. I picked up the book because I am a huge fan of actress, Rooney Mara and I had read on IMDB in 2012 that she was going to star in a film that was adapted from that novel. When I read the book and it blew me away! I told my friend and my mother, "you have to read this book! It's captivating!" It's a novel with a heart and emotion, that is while written. It also has an excellent and brilliant heroine Eilis Lacey that was-before-her time. 


Eilis (pronounced Elish) Lacey is a young woman who is unable to find work in 1950s Ireland. Her older sister Rose sets up wonderful opportunities that await her in New York so Eilis she emigrates to Brooklyn, New York and takes up a job in a department store while taking night classes in bookkeeping. While in Brooklyn she leaves in a boarding house with a few other Irish girls and Ms. Kehoe. Eilis meets and falls in love with a young Italian plumber called Tony (He's like a modern NYC-Italian 50's version of Prince Charming, I Love Tony). Eilis then receives news that Rose has died in her sleep from a pre-existing heart condition that she never told anyone about. Eilis has to return to Ireland to mourn, and she secretly marries Tony before she leaves. In Ireland she falls back into the town society easily. There  she meets Jim Farrell, who is interested in her. Eilis is forced to spend time with Jim and eventually starts a brief relationship with him.  Eilis then procrastinates about a return to her new life by extending her stay.. Eventually a local busybody, Miss Kelly, tells Eilis she knows her secret because Madge Kehoe is her cousin and somehow the story is out in New York. This is the turning point in the novel as Eilis realizes that her heart and her belong in America. She immediately books her return passage, telling her mother the whole truth and posting a farewell note to Jim as she leaves town by taxi for the docks. (Written with reference to Wikipedia)
Rose wanted Eilis to have a better life than the one she was going to have in their town. That's why she sponsored her to go to America and why Rose didn't go herself because Rose was sick. Rose wanted Eilis to be an independent woman and not have her life decided by and scrutinized by the people in the town. Rose was ahead of her time too she too was well educated and played golf. 
The year 2013 came and went and Brooklyn never got released. I kept checking on IMDB and the date kept being pushed back. Then years went by and I eventually forgot about the adaption.Then there was a recast with Irish Actress Saoirse (pronounced Sear-sha)Ronan cast as Eilis. Then the date was set for 2015.Until one day while looking up an actor on IMDB I saw a trailer for Brooklyn. The  novel that I so dearly loved and waited for years to be adapted finally had a trailer.
A few few weeks ago:  I was searching for any TIFF Film that I might want to see. I then I selected coming of age in the category bar on the website (I personally find calling Brooklyn a coming of age film to be offensive to me as a mega fan of the book but anyway..) and Brooklyn popped up. And I lost my breathe. FINALLY I COULD SEE A FILM IVE BEEN WAITING THREE YEARS FOR AT TIFF BEFORE IT COMES INTO THEATRES! 

A few weeks ago: The day TIFF tickets came out I went on line and stood in the "virtual queue" as they call it and I selected tickets for Brooklyn for the premiere at TIFF, 2 tickets; one for me and one for my cousin (they are $40 a pop and a premiere is when there is a red carpet and the actors are there) and then when I finished checking out I was devastated because they said they were sold out! The premiere and the second screening! SOLD OUT! But the tickets were in my shopping cart! So I was pissed for about a week and bitter when I saw tiff ads or tiff posters or watching Etalk. This would year would be the first time in five years that I have not been to festival! I go every year and I really look forward to it! I was so shocked because it seemed that so many of the films were sold out! Over the years I have bought tickets the morning of a film and gone to see it tickets were widely available! 

Yesterday (Sunday) : I woke up at 7 am on  and went on my computer because apparently there are sometimes tickets released at 7am for films that screen that day. I checked and refreshed the website on my computer 20 times until 7:05 because both the premiere and second screening were sold out so I went back to bed. I was very sick over this past weekend and although I wanted to go i the rush line for tickets to yesterday's premiere of Brooklyn, I passed on it as it was raining and I couldn't sit outside for that long as a sick person (Do I regret it Ive decided no because I was very sick and could barely talked so I couldn't have gone to the red carpet or the rush line. Im not mad at myself). Then that afternoon I was in line at Starbucks (a daily task) and there was a couple in front of me was talking about "how they should go to tiff" and how "it was easy to get tickets". So in my head I was like, "good luck losers!" Then I decided just for fun to check to see what was showing for today (Monday, 14th) and I couldn't believe my eyes! Brooklyn had a select tickets button beside the second screening not a off-sale (TIFF's fancy way of saying SOLD-OUT!). So I quickly typed in my information again (like the first time) and told myself "not to get my hopes up because there was no way within 5 hours there were tickets available". And sure enough the transaction went through! IT WENT THROUGH! and I called my mom and told her we were going tomorrow to go see Brooklyn!!!!!!!! 3 years in the making finally I get to see Tony and Eilis and Rose and Jim on the BIG SCREEEEEEN! 

Today: I went to the TIFF box office and picked up my tickets and made sure they were for Brooklyn and then I decided that for sure this was the real deal. Then I stood in a line that rapped around the back of the Winter Garden Theatre and the line was so long that I thought, 'all these people cannot be going to see Brooklyn!" and sure enough there was another film being screened a few hours later. So I got into the beautiful Winter Garden theatre and watched Brooklyn (and I was the only person under 40 there..but thats beyond the point). IT WAS EXACTLY LIKE THE BOOK TO A T! Exactly what I imagined when I read the book over 3 years ago! The actors were all Irish and did a FABULOUS job! Saoirse was the perfect Eilis ( Sorry Rooney but Im sure you would have done just as well!) And Emory Cohen as Tony (I love Tony) was right on the money with the Brooklyn accent and the "Tony" mannerisms. Perfection. Nick Hornby adapted it beautifully it was just as I imagined it would be! WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!! I laughed and cried many times including 5 mins in to the film and the end and when rose dies and when she marries Tony (okay I cried a lot but I knew what was going to happen and I had been waiting for 3 years for my favourite novel to make its big screen debut! SO. Many. Emotions.) I basically was teary eyed the whole film, when I wasn't laughing. 

So I am so so so so so so fortunate that I got to see Brooklyn at TIFF considering 48 hours ago I was not going. Although I didn't go to the premiere because it was sold out and I was very sick I still got to see a film that I had been waiting for and fantasizing about for 3 years. My favourite book finally made its Hollywood debt!!!! 

PS I feel a lot better today than I did yesterday so Im so glad I was able to go today! :-) 

PPS: Personal Confession: I have had a crush on the fictional character Tony from the novel Brooklyn and the film has reinforced this.



"A compelling characterization of a woman caught between two worlds...A fine and touching novel, persuasive proof of Toibin's ever-increasing skills and range."